Steam Generators
Engineer and Design of:
Steam boilers for power plants
Steam boilers for utility plants, power, thermal energy and industrial plants
Hot water boilers
Waste heat boilers
CO boilers
Boilers for coal gasification plants
Waste heat plants behind gas turbines (GUD)
Refuse incinerators for municipal and industrial waste
Combustion Plants
Engineer and Design of:
Combustion equipment for solid, liquid and gaseous fuels
Circulating fluidized bed plants
Steal Plate and Structure Construction
Engineer and Design of:
Steel Construction for steam generator plants
Cold and hot air ducts
Chute and hoppers for coal handling plants
Flue gas ducts & dampers
Coal dust pipe
Coal hopper
Vessel Device Engineering
Engineer and Design of:
Vessels and apparatus for steam generator plants
Industrial and chemical plants
Ash and Material Handling
Engineer and Design of:
Complete dry & wet ash handling applications
Hydraulic conveying systems (low & high density)
Pneumatic and mechanical fly ash systems
Mill rejects
Ash disposal and storage
Required Single Components
Piping Systems
Engineer and Design of:
Piping systems (mid and high pressure)
Cooling water for thermal and nuclear power stations
Piping systems for chemical plants
Piping systems for industrial plants
Pipeline components (collectors, spray type at temporators, start-up and drain flash tanks)